Sunday, May 31, 2015

Calling on the Name of the Lord

                                                         Calling on the name of the Lord.

Calling on the precious name of Jesus is not a religious exercise, but rather something that is supposed to draw us nearer to God. In Lamentations Solomon writes, “I called on Your name, O Lord, From the lowest pit”. I did have times when I was so down the only thing that could lift me out of my “pit” was to call on the name of the Lord. It helped me recognize who I was in my weakness and inability and where and who God was in his power to raise me out of the darkest times of my life. I also like the verse in Romans 10:13 which says so clearly, “Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved” We can do this every day when we're down or up, happy or sad. It just helps us know that God is always there and He hears our deepest cry and need.
If you have never experienced Christ and His abundant love, call with me today. It's easy! Just take a breath and say “Oh Lord Jesus” releasing your anxiety, stress, sadness, anger, and any distress that might be ailing you. He will hear you, believe me! You might not feel a whole lot different at first, but after some time of calling I'm sure your perspective will change. Mine sure did! I began to see God in a different light, as my Savior not just as someone who had judged me a sinner worthy of death. I saw that God loved me, that he wanted to deliver me out of my darkest hour, out of my hardest trial. It was only then that I started to really experience who God is.
Some may think saying “Oh Lord Jesus” is calling His name in vain, but look at the instances in the Bible where men and women called on the name of the Lord. The first time was in the book of Genesis when Seth's son Enosh was born. The people knew they had been far away from God and were looking to draw near to him once again, Genesis 4:26b reads “...then men began to call on the name of the Lord”. Also David the Psalmist calls on the name of the Lord and gives him adoration in the book of Psalms; Solomon does as well as I mentioned previously; Steven, the first martyr of the New Testament, called on the name of the Lord when he was being stoned to death for his faith. He cried out, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit”.
I say this all in love my dear friends for I know the importance now of calling on the name of the Lord and what a tremendous effect it's had on my life. As you read this I pray with all my heart that you call on His name today. If you have called on the name of Jesus today, please let me know. I'd love to hear your experience and to share more of mine with you.
Many blessings!

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